Change your career - Change your life
We spend so much of our time working. If you don’t feel happy or valued during this time, it can impact all areas of your life. It’s often said that most people experience three careers in their lifetime. But transitioning from one to another isn’t always easy.
Sometimes it follows a natural career break such as maternity leave, other times a traumatic event like a bereavement or health scare may make you question yourself. For many of us, we just know that we’re unhappy at work and want a complete change.
But a change to what? And how do I get there?
Thoughts of having to retrain, start ‘at the bottom’ or take a pay cut all play a part in stopping us from making any changes. On top of that, we worry that we won’t be good at anything else, that we will upset the status quo and even about what other people may think. Then we start believing that little voice in our heads, saying ‘you’re not good enough’, ‘you can’t do this’, ‘you’re too old to change’, etc, etc, etc.
So we stick with it and avoid change, choosing familiarity and possibly unhappiness over our fear of uncertainty and the unknown.
It doesn’t have to be like that!
I know the above is very generalised, but everyone is different and everyone has a different path to walk. Some people are very happy working in a job they don’t really like as they find happiness and fulfilment in other areas of their lives. But for others, feeling unappreciated, unfulfilled or unhappy at work, can start to impact them, even when they aren’t at work.
I bring together my experiences as a manager and a mentor to help people uncover, develop and realise their career aspirations. I use various tools, including EFT (tapping), to unlock the part of your mind that knows what you really want to be doing. I can help you remove the internal obstacles you’re putting in your way (even if you don’t know you’re doing it) and change the tone of that niggling voice inside your head which is holding you back.
If you’ve been working towards a career goal, but aren’t making the progress
you want, but you’re not really sure why, then contact me.
About me
I was lucky in that I always knew I wanted to work with animals and I pursued that career path for most of my life. The various paths I chose led to me working for a charity whose cause I am passionate about. After 10 fulfilling years, I started to get more and more disillusioned as the culture moved away from ‘we’re all working together for the greater good’ towards the more cut-throat ways of big business.
As a middle manager, I found myself embroiled in internal politics and was constantly told I had to be more outspoken, and was even frowned at for continuing to develop and support my team members who were also struggling. My frustration built, leading to chronic stress and feelings of powerlessness and resentment. This stress and anger spilt over to other parts of my life and I started experiencing anxiety around things outside of work, something I’d never had before. I knew I had to draw the line and leave. But easier said than done right?!
I completed my Level 2 Reiki Practitioner course and immediately felt the destressing and anxiety-busting benefits of this treatment. The glimmer of light through the stress allowed me to start planning for the next chapter in my life. Before my plan was fully formed, things at work just got too bad so I took the plunge and left; I was deeply unhappy and didn’t want to be there anymore.
In the months that followed, overall, I was happier, but I also felt like I lacked purpose in my life. Yet at the same time, I couldn’t motivate myself to get really proactive and develop my next career. I then started my EFT training, a technique I had benefited from in the past when I overcame a paralysing spider phobia. During the course itself, I was able to release lots of the pent-up anxiety my body had stored and my path towards becoming a therapist became clearer.
I still had some ups and downs in the following year, sometimes finding it hard to focus and make myself do anything really proactive to get myself ‘out there’, but using my newly acquired skills, I was able to overcome the obstacles I was putting in my way. Fast forward a few years and I’m now able to use this experience to help others find their right path and transition to it and to a new way of life.